Monitoring is a key component to assess the implementation of Plan schemes. The Planning and Research Department after communicating the Outlay to different departments implementing Plan schemes takes up monthly monitoring at the level of Development Commissioner, bi-monthly monitoring at the level of Chief Secretary and half yearly review at the level of Chief Minister to see whether the financial and physical performance are in relation to the Outlay allocated to each scheme/Department. There are 300 plus schemes implemented by 49 Departments under 40 sectors. The Social Services Sectors receive the highest allocation. The periodical and timely monitoring enables the departments to correct the lapses in the implementation process. Now the online Expenditure monitoring is in place. The expenditure incurred by the various Departments are automatically uploaded to the NIC portal by the Directorate of Accounts and Treasuries. Public Works Department uploads the expenditure data directly to NIC-NET through its 12 Divisions. The Planning Commission have stipulated that 30% of Plan Outlay should be booked by September and the remaining 70% should be phased out during 3rd and 4th quarter so as to book the expenditure by March.
The online monitoring at present helps the Planning and Research Department, Adi-dravidar Welfare Department and the Finance Departments to take corrective action then and there while implementing the Plan, SCSP expenditure and Non-Plan Programmes by the concerned departments. Planning and Research Department also monitors the implementation of Flagship programmes by 1st Saturday of every month under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary.