Initially, i.e., on 22.10.1970, a Pilot Project was setup as "Pilot Research Project on Growth Centre" in the O/o Project Executive Officer, Villianur, Puducherry head by Project Director. Subsequently, based on G.O. Ms. No.80 dt.15.10.1975, the Pilot Project stated above, was re-designated as Planning and Research Directorate.
Planning and Research Department has to perform the task of formulation of sectoral proposals of various departments in the UT of Puducherry based on the guidelines issued by the Government of India. This Department has a Regional Office at Karaikal and a Planning Cell in the Office of the Regional Administrators of Mahe as well as Yanam.
The major activities of the Planning and Research Department may broadly be grouped as follows:
The State Planning Board which is a Non-Statutory Advisory Body, advises the Government regarding Formulation of Development Schemes, Review the implementation of these Schemes, and to advise the Government on matters relating to Economic Development and Policies.
The Plan formulation and Plan Co-ordination units will be strengthened with additional manpower. The Department will also be modernized with latest computer systems and other electronic equipments to increase the efficiency of the organization and for optimum utilization of manpower.
The Branch Office of the Planning and Research Department, Karaikal is the Nodal Department working in co-ordination with the District Collector for the development of Karaikal district which monitor the developmental activities of all the departments in Karaikal and to prioritise and propose the important proposals for Karikal to be included in the Regional Plan Document preparation.
Public Finance Management System:
As per the guidelines of Ministry of Finance, GOI, a State Advisory Group (SAG) to achieve improved financial management processes in the implementation of Central Sector and Central Assistance to State Plans was constituted under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary, GOP vide Office Memorandum dated 01.02.2017. In addition, a State Project Management Unit (SPMU) has also been constituted in this department vide O.M. dt.02.02.2017 to co-ordinate, customize the State Specific requirement, monitoring of implementation and capacity building in states.
UID Implementation Cell
Being the Nodal department for enrolment of Aadhaar in the U.T. of Puducherry, the enrolment centres are monitored periodically and as on 30th June 2018, 12.87 lakh Aadhaar have been generated as against the population of 12.48 lakh, which works out to 103%. To enroll Aadhaar for children (0-5 years) a special camp both in Puducherry and Karaikal region are being organized in Anganwadi centres as well as Government Maternity Hospitals.